
Integrate your assessment tool with TalentLyft

After employers have sourced, recruited and attracted talent, the evaluation begins. Assessment testing is an extremely important part of every successful hiring strategy.

Why bother integrating assessment tools with recruiting tools?

Employers perform different types of assessment tests based on their culture, positions and expectations. Assessment test are one of the best ways for confirming that you have found your candidate persona.

Hiring the right person has an influence on many things that happen after a candidate is hired. These include candidate’s satisfaction, performance, length of stay, his or her word of mouth and engagement with the company.

Recruiting and candidate assessment can be more streamlined if the two tools are integrated. By integrating your assessment tool with TalentLyft you can ensure much faster and easier assessment of existing candidates in TalentLyft’s talent pools. Your users can now test candidates using your assessment tool within TalentLyft’s candidate pools.

Together, we can provide better experience to our users!

Join the TalentLyft API Partner Program

To apply join the TalentLyft Partner Partner program or to gain deeper access to the API, complete the application form telling us about the product or service that you provide.


Listing available tests in TalentLyft

TalentLyft needs access to the tests from assessments provider. Assessment provider endpoint should be formatted as https://${BASE_URL}/tests and the response should be a JSON document with an array of tests.

        "Id": "1",
        "Name": ".NET Middle Developer - ASP.NET - RESTful reservations application ",
        "Description": "Contains following tasks: 1. Choice questions - assessing...",
        "Language": "en",
        "LearnMore": null,
        "AssessmentTypes": "BehavioralAssessment",
        "Price": [{
                "Currency": "USD",
                "Value": 30
                "Currency": "EUR",
                "Value": 25
        "Id": "2",
        "Name": ".NET Middle Developer - ASP.NET - RESTful reservations application ",
        "Description": "Contains following tasks: 1. Choice questions - assessing...",
        "Language": "en",
        "LearnMore": null,
        "AssessmentTypes": "BehavioralAssessment",
        "Price": [{
                "Currency": "USD",
                "Value": 30
                "Currency": "EUR",
                "Value": 25

TalentLyft Ordering an Assessment

TalentLyft provides users with the ability to create an assessment for a candidate on demand. If the action is called, TalentLyft will POST the Assessments Provider on https://${BASE_URL}/assessments with a payload

Request payload

    "TestId": "12345",
    "CallbackUrl": " ",
    "Candidate": {
        "Id": 34,
        "FirstName": "John",
        "LastName": "Doe",
        "Phone": "+385 98 18337",
        "Email": ""
    "Job": {
        "Id": 345,
        "Title": "Operations Manager",
        "Url": "",
        "Location": "Zagreb, Croatia"
    "Company": {
        "Id": "96989f95-2647-45a2-b98c-23060739e1b8",
        "Name": "TalentLyft",
        "CareersSiteUrl": "",
        "CompanyWebsite": ""
    "Requestor": {
        "Id": "27d79297-070d-4bc9-acbe-58da9848f685",
        "Name": "John Doe",
        "Email": ""


Body Parameters


The Assessment Provider should respond with a 201 status and an identifier for the created assessment.

    "AssessmentId": "2044922" 


For each sent assessment order if response status code is equal or greater then 300 event will be sent again after 10 minutes. TalentLyft will try to resend each webhook 5 times in total. If response code is >= 300 after all 5 attempts, this event will be discarded.

Publishing the Results to TalentLyft

There are 4 statuses for an assessment. The initial status is Pending and then the assessment can be Completed, Rejected (candidate rejected assessment), Declined (vendor rejected assessment order) or Expired. The status depends on the actions of the candidate regarding the assessment.

When the status is Completed, the request should include the assessment results.

Whenever the status changes, the Assessments Provider should publish the new status to TalentLyft using PUT on the Callback_url provided in the assessment creation step. When the status is completed, the request should include the assessment results.

    "Status": "Completed",
    "Result": {
        "ResultsUrl": " ",
        "Score": "78",
        "Grade": "excelled",
        "Summary": "This candidate is an excellent prospect.",
        "Duration": 5435454,
        "Details": {
            "Proaktivnost": {
                "Dinamičnost": "97",
                "Dominacija": "76"
            "Mental Skills": {
                "Problem_Solving": "82",
                "Aptitude": "91"
        "Attachments": [{
            "FileName": "Assessment Report",
            "Url": " ",
            "ContentType": "application/pdf",
            "Content": "Base64 encoded content of the attachment"

Body Parameters

Last updated