
A Webhook subscription lets you register a URL which will have notifications posted to it.

You can use webhooks to receive notifications. Webhooks are a powerful resource that you can use to automate your use cases and improve your productivity. You can find more about them through this link if you're unfamiliar.

Unlike the API resources, which represent static data that you can create, update and retrieve as needed, webhooks represent dynamic resources. You can configure them to automatically notify you when a candidate has taken a particular action, such as candidate move or hired.

The main concepts for webhooks are subscriptions, topics, and notifications.


A Webhook subscription lets you register a URL which will have notifications posted to it.

    "Id": "0f706a09-fc01-4030-a07e-273bfde9bb47",
    "ServiceType": "Web",
    "Url": "string",
    "HubSecret": "d6376ec0-acfc-4820-8eb2-350454b66075",
    "Created": "2019-06-07T20:39:39.495Z",
    "Updated": "2019-06-07T20:39:39.495Z",
    "Topics": ["candidate.sourced", "candidate.applied", "candidate.hired"]


A subscription will contain one or more topics. List of available topics:


The object delivered to a webhook is a notification. Notifications have payloads, which contain the API's existing JSON objects, such as candidate or job.

  "Uid": "c78d0bee-f4b2-475d-8ca1-de78675888d3",
  "Topic": "candidate.hired",
  "Created": "2019-06-07T20:39:39.495Z",
  "FirstSentAt": "2019-06-07T20:39:39.495Z",
  "DeliveryAttempts": 1,
  "SubscriptionId": "5ec42730-9a19-4ccc-acb0-aefdd3426215",
  "Payload": [
      "Type": "Candidate",
      "Data": {}

Payload types

Payload types list

Signed Notifications

You can request notifications from TalentLyft are signed by adding a HubSecret field to the subscription. The value of the HubSecret is used as the key to create a hash signature of the JSON notification The digest is then sent using an X-TL-Signature header in the request and can be verified by the receiving webhook.

The signature is the hexadecimal (40-byte) representation of a SHA-1 signature computed using the HMAC algorithm as defined in RFC2104.

The X-TL-Signature header value starts with the string sha1= followed by the signature - for example, X-TL-Signature: sha1=21ff2e149e0fdcac6f947740f6177f6434bda921.


Webhook events are sent as json encoded POST request to URL you have specified in your development settings. For each sent webhook if response status code is equal or greater then 300 event will be sent again after 10 minutes. TalentLyft will try to resend each webhook 5 times in total.

If response code is >= 300 after all 5 attempts, this event will be discarded. If number of failed attempts reaches failure limit (50 failures), webhook will be suspended and no further deliveries will be made. Suspended webhooks can't be activated.

Network restrictions

If you are setting any network restrictions, please let us know so we can send you the list of Ip addresses that you need to allow traffic from for the integration to work.

Duplicated message

Because of possible network or other failures, there can be a duplicated messages that are sent to your webhook endpoint. To process this correctly on your side each event has Id property that will be same for each webhook retry. You can use this identificator to ignore already sent messages.

Last updated